GreyHeart Greyhound Adoption of Michigan
The Greyhound People for Greyhound People!
To donate to GreyHeart
Coming Soon: Titan - check him out !!!
Please note that due to limited resources, we limit our adoption area to 1 hour from the Detroit Metro area.
Just Remember:
It's all about the Greyhounds!
It's all about the Greyhounds!
GreyHeart Greyhound Adoption is devoted to the adoption of the retired racing greyhound. We are a small National Greyhound Association responsible pro-racing adoption group. It is our objective to place as many greyhounds as possible into responsible, pro-racing homes. If greyhound racing and the racing industry is not your gig, we ask that you respect our views and perhaps look to another breed to adopt. |
We are a registered, non profit 501(c)3 Pro Racing adoption organization, supported only thru donations and fund raising efforts. The donation received through the placement of each dog, pays for the transportation and medical costs. We also rely heavily on the efforts of our volunteers. Without their assistance, especially the work of those willing to foster, we could not accomplish our goal. If YOU are willing to participate, please contact us. We invite any questions you might have so feel free to send us an e-mail. |
All photos on this website are property of GreyHeart Greyhound Adoption of Michigan unless otherwise marked.